Posts Tagged ‘ pedestrians ’

November Newsletter

Congratulations to Anton and Annamari on the birth of baby Eryn on 15 October 2011. Mom and baby are apparently doing well, and Eryn has started training her folks for their new lifestyle.

Two weeks ago everyone (except the new parents) went on an excursion to that other office baby, Freedom Park, taking the Gautrain from Rosebank. It was the first time that I’ve made the Pretoria trip on the train although I take it to the airport regularly, and it was definitely the best trip to Pretoria I’ve ever had. It was a beautiful, clear day and the landscape around the \\hapo at Freedom Park was looking spectacular. Many photos were taken, some have just been uploaded.
Also on the Facebook site, James posted an article about the launch of a new Pink Floyd album, check it out here. There’s also an article about parklets, small spaces in the city that are developed for pedestrians on municipal-owned land parcels, anything from parallel parking bays.   James also put up a link to the most beautiful salad patch he’s seen.

’til next time.