Archive for July, 2011

July Newsletter

The Sharpeville Cemetery project continues to earn kudos – it made it onto the Landezine website during June! Check it out.

James makes the observation that the tree-top walk at Kew isn’t just for kids. Why should it be? It’s a different and interesting way to get close to trees. He was also taken with some interesting ad campaigns featuring birds. Yes, you never know what’ll be next with him, but it seems like it’s bird season. There’s a crowd of eager ducks at MODA in Atlanta – they remind me of the golden frogs that I think Martha Schwartz did – then there are real live angry birds, which remind me of – actually nothing really, but also look like fun, I think.

Annamari posted a bookshelf that gets you reading before you take a book off it. And Anton posted a photo of the water feature at the new phase of Freedom Park.